
帮你准备纳税, we've provided a variety of resources and articles to answer your questions.


Browse our collection of articles about important tax-planning subjects.

税收是共同基金投资的一个重要考虑因素. Learn about the different ways a mutual fund can generate income for you if you hold shares in a non-tax-qualified account.


成本基础报告条例已经改变, requiring mutual funds to report cost basis information to shareholders and the IRS. 阅读更多 to learn about cost basis reporting and find out how these changes affect you.


有很多方法可以花掉你的退款, 但或许还有更好的选择可以考虑.


找到一些最常见的税务问题的答案. 点击下面的问题阅读答案.

  • 我什么时候能收到纳税申报表?
    • 1099-B, 1099-DIV, 1099-R, and 1099-Q tax forms are mailed by the end of January. 5498-ESA表格在4月份寄出. 表格5498在五月寄出.
  • 为什么我收到1099表格?
    • IRS Form 1099-R reports distributions from a 401(k) or a traditional, Roth, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA. 只有在有分发时,您才会收到此表格.
    • IRS Form 1099-Q reports distributions from a qualified tuition program under Section 529, 或者科弗戴尔ESA.
    • IRS Form 1099-DIV reports taxable dividends and capital gains of $10 or more paid to the shareowner, 无论是现金支付还是再投资. It also reports tax exempt interest dividends and private activity bond interest paid by the Municipal Bond Fund.
    • IRS Form 1099-B reports redemptions and exchanges from a non-tax qualified account.
  • 什么是资本利得分配?
    • Capital gains distributions are payments (usually annually) to mutual fund shareholders of long-term capital gains the fund has realized on the sale of portfolio securities.
  • 我如何获得年终投资者报表或纳税申报表的副本?
    • Login to your account online or contact your Registered State Farm Agent.

  • 对于给定的纳税年度,转换的截止日期是什么时候?
    • 那年的12月31日.
  • When is the deadline to perform a recharacterization of IRA contributions?
    • October 15th of the year following the year for which the contribution was originally made.
  • 如果我在个人退休账户中投入太多会怎么样?
    • The total amount that can be contributed to ira 在一年内 is called the maximum allowable contribution. 2023年, 要么是6美元,500 ($7,如果你是50岁或50岁以上,则为500美元)或100%的收入, 取较小者. 2024年, 要么是7美元,000 ($8,如果你是50岁或50岁以上的话,你可以拿你的收入的100%, 取较小者. If, 在一年内, 你的贡献超出了允许的范围, the difference between the amount contributed and the maximum allowable contribution may be subject to a six percent tax penalty. 如果你的个人退休账户缴款太多, you can correct this by removing some of your contributions and related earnings to avoid the tax penalty. These corrections must be made on or before October 15 of the year following the year for which the contribution is made.
  • 为什么我在5月收到5498表格? 我已经报税了. 现在我该怎么做?
    • IRS Form 5498 is for recordkeeping purposes only and is not required to be sent to the IRS with your income tax return. A record of the information on the 5498 is sent to the IRS by State Farm™. The 5498 reports contributions made to tax-qualified retirement accounts including rollovers, 转换贡献和重新描述贡献. 因为供款可以在报税日之前补足, 这张表格要到五月底才能寄出, 按照法律的要求.
  • 为什么我的IRA没有收到1099-DIV?
    • A 1099-DIV is not issued for an IRA since the account is a tax-qualified vehicle.

  • 如果我再投资我的股息和资本利得分配, do I still have to pay taxes on these distributions during the current tax year?
    • 是的. Dividend and capital gain distributions are taxable if the distributions are taken in cash or reinvested in additional fund shares in a non-tax-qualified account.
  • Why is an exchange taxable if I didn't receive any cash proceeds from the transaction?
    • When an exchange between funds is performed in a non-tax-qualified account, shares are redeemed from one fund and the proceeds are used to purchase shares of another fund. 就税务而言, the IRS treats the redemption side of an exchange as though it was a cash redemption. 股东必须对由此产生的资本收益纳税.
  • What if I perform a redemption or exchange that results in a capital loss?
    • Any capital gains you incur may be offset by capital losses you incur from investment activities. Your net capital gain or loss will be calculated on Schedule D of your federal income tax return. The amount of your capital gain or loss will be determined by the cost basis of the shares you sold.
  • 我在哪里可以找到我的成本基础信息?
    • If available, the cost basis information can be found on your Form 1099-B.


帮你准备纳税, review the information below specific to your State Farm Mutual Funds®.

Here you'll find the scheduled mailing dates for the different tax forms. 我们的税务资料小册子将于二月中下旬寄出.


如果你有州立农场共同基金账户, 您可能会收到一个或多个表格, 取决于您的帐户活动.


美国国税局 (IRS) materials that may be useful while filing your tax returns.



在投资529计划之前, 考虑计划的投资目标, 风险, 指控, 和费用. Contact the plan issuer for an official statement containing this and other information. 仔细阅读.

投资者应考虑, 在投资之前, whether the investor’s or designated beneficiary’s home state offers any state tax or other benefits that are only available for investments in such state’s qualified tuition program.

证券由State Farm®VP管理公司发行.

State Farm®及其代理均不提供税务或法律建议.

State Farm (including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates) is not responsible for, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 从本页超链接的任何第三方网站的内容. 州立农业pp王者电子官网公司无权改变, 更新, 或控制超链接上的内容, 第三方网站. 访问第三方网站的风险由用户自行承担, is being provided for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation to buy or sell any of the products which may be referenced on such 第三方网站s.

证券不受FDICpp王者电子官网, 不是银行担保,有投资风险吗, 包括可能的本金损失.
